Dear Sir or Madam, we would like
to welcome you to "Gutenberg digital". In order to help you to get your
bearings within the presentation of the Göttingen Gutenberg Bible
as quick as possible, we will now give some basic instructions. Further
information concerning the proceedings can be found at the starting page
of each chapter.
Browser setup:
You will need an internet browser version 4.0
upwards to look at the pages. "Java" and "Javascript" should be activated
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executed in the way we designed them.
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There should be a tick in the small square next to "Java". If this is
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Important note: In the Internet, "Java"
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only visit websites you trust absolutely. There is no danger if you look
at the Gutenberg Bible on CD-ROM, but do not forget to reset your Browser
when logging into the Internet afterwards.
For the chapter "Illuminations" we used the browser
plug-in "Flash", since the excellent enlargement capabilities of the software
enable an especially vivid presentation of the illuminations. Accordingly,
your browser needs the "Flash" plug-in. In the Netscape-Browser version
4.7 upwards, which we have included on the "Gutenberg digital" CD-ROM,
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Close the browser after downloading and restart it to have "Flash" initialized.
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The different chapters of "Gutenberg digital"
are listed in the navigation bar. If you click on one of these buttons
with your left mouse button, you will get to the starting page of the
respective chapter. There you will be given instructions on how to operate
within that chapter. Via the navigation bar you can switch to other chapters
at any time.
The button "Home" leads to the bilingual
(English/German) starting page, or the title page, of "Gutenberg digital".
"Intro" should be self-explanatory, while
"Help" offers basic advice on handling the presentation of the
Gutenberg Bible.
"Contents" gets you to the table of contents
of the accompanying texts on Gutenberg's biography, his invention and
its influence on posterity. The headings of the chapters are linked to
the respective chapters. The cursor of the mouse changes to a small hand
if you move the mouse across the title. By clicking once with the left
mouse button you will reach the section of the text. In a chapter running
over several pages rectangular frames indicate the number of pages. At
the same time the frame highlighted in red shows the page you are on.
At the end of each page clicking on "next" gets you to the next page or
- at the end of a chapter - to the start of the next chapter.
The button "Online" connects you to further
contents of "Gutenberg digital" offered additionally in the Internet.
They are updated regularly. To look at these pages you need Internet access.
Click first on "Online" and build up a connection to the Internet. Once
you are online, click on "Gutenberg digital - Online". The links on the
following page will lead you on.

The button "Bible" in the lower row of
buttons of the navigation bar will lead you directly to the 1,282 pages
of the Gutenberg Bible. You can choose among the Books of the Bible via
a pulldown menue. A list of the books will appear if you click on the
menue. Click on the book of your choice for an overview of all the pages
of that book. Below each of the pages in small format are two icons which
stand in for a somewhat enlarged double-page view or a large single-page
view respectively. In the double-page view there are icons next to the
page as well leading to the corresponding large single pages. Via the
pulldown menue you will get from each page to the overview of the Books
of the Bible. The arrow pointing to the right leads to the next overview,
double-page or single-page view, the one pointing to the left leads to
the previous views.
"Illumination" refers to the pages of the Gutenberg
Bible decorated with tendril and initial ornamentation and the comparison
with the Göttingen Model Book. For those pages you will need the
"Flash"-plugin in your browser (see "Help", "Browser setup"). On the opening
page of this chapter you have the opportunity to choose between three
ways of examining the pages: "Compare Bible pages -- model-book", "Detailed
view" and "Compare Model Book -- Bible pages". You can compare the illuminated
pages with the respective patterns from the Göttingen Model Book
and vice versa, or you can have a close look at enlarged details of each
of the tendrils and initials.

To compare the book ornamentation with the Model
Book choose one of the five overviews (Bd./Vol. 1-1 to Bd./Vol. 2-3)
of the illuminated pages. Click then on one of the small illumination
details in order for the illuminated page to appear on the left. Above
and below the page - in the black frame - are buttons which enable you
to enlarge (Zoom in) or reduce (Zoom out) the picture. If you move the
mouse over one of the four smaller buttons in the middle, the picture
will be moved correspondingly upwards, downwards, to the left or right.
The Internet Explorer does not support the function of the Zoom buttons.
Alternatively you may open the context menue by clicking the right mouse
button (Win 9x/NT) or by clicking the mouse button whilest pressing "control"
(Mac OS) and afterwards clicking on "Zoom in" and "Zoom
out". Once it is enlarged, a page can be moved by keeping the mouse
button pressed and moving the mouse. If there are instructions for the
illuminated page in the Model Book a small icon can be found on the right.
Clicking on the icon shows the corresponding pattern from the Model Book.
These were not always followed to the T by the illuminator. You can check
for yourself which variations the illuminator used in his decorations.

In the section "Compare Model Book -- Bible
page" click the red button "overview" on the starting page. An overview
of 14 pictures of the model-book will appear in small format. A single
click on one of the pictures leads to an enlarged view of the corresponding
pattern. This comparison is set up exactly like the one between Bible
pages and Model Book described above. On the left-hand side are the underlined
folio-notations for examples of comparable tendrils from the Bible.
Under "Detailed view" you will find at
first an overview of all the illuminated pages. The 86 overviews can be
chosen with the help of the red buttons. A click on the Bible page lets
the illuminated page appear in a new window in large format. The new window
may be changed in its size by pulling at the lower right-hand corner.
To look at the enlarged tendrils simply move the mouse over the picture.
If the cursor touches a tendril a rectangle will appear indicating that
this detail can be viewed enlarged. Click once and the illustration of
the tendril will be moved in close view towards you. Click on the picture
again to make it disappear. The "Help"- and "Hilfe"-buttons will give
advice on how to proceed in English and German respectivly.

Should you, for example, want to switch from
detailed view to one the comparisons between bible pages and model-book
just use the button "Illumination". This will bring you back to
the starting page where you can choose between the three views refered
to above.
If you click the button "Model Book" in
the navigation bar all of the 12 pages will be shown. A click on one of
the double-pages shows the page in an enlarged view. Using the arrows
pointing left and right above the large view of the double-page you can
leaf backwards or forwards. The two links below each of the double-pages
enable you to get to right or left page respectivly. Next to these pages
you will find a transcription of the text of the page in modern German.
You can get to the pages directly from the starting page: below each of
the double-pages are the numbers of the single pages: just click on these.

We have subdivided the "Helmasperger Notariatsinstrument"
(Helmasperger Notarial Instrument) into 16 sections. On the starting
page you will find a reproduction of the document in reduced size. If
you move the mouse across the picture numbered rectangles will appear.
Clicking once on one of these will get you to the corresponding section.
A window with a detail from the Notarial Instrument will appear below
the navigation bar. Using the horizontal scrollbar you can move the passage
to the left or right. You can look at the whole document in this way.
Below the passage a transcription of the text
can be read. A translation in modern English or German as well as a commentary
by F. Geldner on the most important passages can be found via the links
on the right. The arrows right and left lead to the next or the preceeding
section of the Helmasperger Notarial Instrument; "Overview" gets
you back to the starting page.

A selection of well known passages from the Bible can
be accessed via the button "Verses". In the middle of the page
you can see two pulldown menues. If you click on the left pulldown menue
a list of the passages from the Bible will appear. Choose a passage by
clicking on it. The passage from the Bible then appears below the lefthand
pulldown menue, with a Latin transcription appearing on the right. A German,
English or French translation can be chosen via the right pulldown menue,
or you can look at the source text in Hebrew (for passages from the Old
Testament) or Greek (for those from the New Testament). When choosing
a language proceed accordingly to choosing a passage from the Bible.

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Corporation in the United States and other countries. Internet Explorer
is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Java and JavaScript
are registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems. Flash is a registered
trademark of Macromedia, Inc. Other product and brand
names are trademarks of their respective owners.