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right away one-eighth ounce of ground chalk and stir it in and grate right away a quarter ounce of burnt alum; stir that in as well and look and see whether it will dissolve right away, as though it would foam; and let it stand three or four or five days. If you let it stand longer, it will get browner; and then pour it onto hard chalk through a cloth || and let it dry. || Then rub it with pure thin gum, not too strong and also not too weak, in the same way as the blue, without sugar-candy.

The light rose you shall make thus: Take the brazilwood, which you have dried out and which stayed in the cloth. Put it back in the jar and pour lye, which is not too hot, over it, as before; and then take four or five ounces of ground chalk and mix it in, but no alum. Mix this well and let it stand a night or two, and pour it out like the dark red, and then grind it, when it has dried well, in the same way as the dark red.

The lead white and the lead yellow, these two you shall grind well with pure gum arabic water, and you shall also temper it therewith, that it be not too strong and also not too weak, and of such thickness, that it flows from the brush; and you shall always stir it with a clean finger, when you want to use it.

Mountain green or slate green, you shall macerate it overnight in brandy or in vinegar or else in a good strong white wine || that the wine


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Source: Hellmut Lehmann-Haupt, The Göttingen Model Book. Columbia 2nd ed. 1978