After that take lead white, and with
a small brush you heighten both colors, as it is written above and as
it is shown here.
The assis or the great gold ground you make thus: Fetch
ground chalk, which is ground well and is also well dried, from a painter.
This chalk, grind it once more on a grindstone with well-beaten egg white;
and then fetch bolum armenum at the apothecary's, and grind so much into
it, that the chalk will turn a red flesh color therefrom. If there is
as much of the chalk there as a small tree nut, then take of the bolus,
as much as a small hazelnut and grind it well into the chalk with the
egg white; and then take sugar-candy as much as half a hazelnut, that
is to say half as much as of the bolus; and then take cinnabar as much
as half a pea. Rub all this well together with the egg white, that it
becomes like lard, and then put it into a horn, which should be clean,
and stir it with a small piece of wood and temper it to the thickness
of cinnabar, so that it flows easily from the pen; and let it then macerate
and add again and again egg white, until it is well macerated, and stir
it well; and let it stand three or four days, and the longer it stands,
the better it is and will be. §
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